Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Vector Image Posters

This is my second idea for my poster designs for, 'The Rainforest'.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

My Cartoon Design for Animation

This is my chosen design for my 20 second 2D animation i will be doing as part of the coursework for HND2

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Creating vectors for my Digital Media project in promoting the Rainforest!

Friday, 21 September 2012

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Graded Unit HND1

This is my final piece for my Graded Unit in HND1. I was to design packing for an up market soup company as well as a corporate identity.

Film Poster

This is a film poster i designed by hand. The brief was to design a poster for a film showing at Glasgow Film Theatre. I used fabrics and threads to make this.

BBC 8 Page Booklet - Body Story

Our brief was to design an 8 page booklet on the topic of our choice. I chose Body Story which was about allergies. I created tabs for each of the subjects using Illustrator and colour matched them to the page the subject was featured on. For each of the pages I Illustrated matching images using my graphics tablet.

Stills of some Animations from HND1

These stills are of 3D animations i created as part of my coursework in HND1. The first one was my first time using Strata software and was a step by step tutorial i completed and made my own. The second still of the snowman was also a step by step booklet which i also decorated and made my own.

Bell Designs Animation

One of my first attempts at creating an animation. I had to design a corporate identity for a company that i had made up and of something that was close to me. 
I chose 'Bell Designs' because i had been researching my family history, only to stumble upon something very interesting. I decided to make it 'Bell Designs' because i have loved designing and creating art since i was a little girl and it's a hobby i have turned into my future career. 

My First Animation

This was my first animation created on Strata software. I used my name and created this while learning how to use different commands and features.

Higher - Graphic Communications

Teeshirt Design for Paramore

This T-shirt design was an extra piece of work i did in my own time. Very simple and plain idea but i found it worked with the text and shape of the T-shirt.

Life Drawings

Exploratory Media Handling
